
microbusiness usa

Inspired by the business model of monome.org, I did a bit of googling about microbusinesses and the opensource business model:

A nanocorp is a ruthlessly small business - Sohodojo

Wikipedia: Small business, Mesoeconomics, Micro-enterprise: "Broadly stated, a micro-business is a business started with as little capital as possible, or less capital than would be usual for a business. More precisely, the term is often used in Australia to refer to a business with a single owner-operator, and no employees."

Excerpted from the monome.org manifesto : "we strive for economic and ecological sustainability. careful design practice allows us to contribute to culture and preserve the environment by choosing domestic, high-quality, and responsible providers and production facilities. we acknowledge that our future will depend on our ability to support and maintain a local, regenerative economy."

eXtropia.com: "The open source business model relies on shifting the commercial value away from the actual products and generating revenue from the 'Product Halo,' or ancillary services like systems integration, support, tutorials and documentation."

Wikipedia: Open source hardware

Writings on Open Source Hardware - opencollector.org

the Open source Hardware project

Open source hardware, what is it?

Wanted: Nobody - Businesses with 0 employees use outsourcing to get the job done By Jim Hopkins, USA TODAY (December 11, 2006)


Help Not Wanted - Rise of the nanobusiness

Small Is The New Big