This is a video project I did over the summer using FinalCut Pro. The video is from and the sound is by phineus + twine. Andy's "sax" part is guitar thru a MIDI converter. The sequencing is all done on a Quasimidi 309 beatbox. The music ends when we throw too much MIDI at the 309 and it freezes-up.
Fantastik from Pink Twins connects your iPod/iPod Touch, and soon iPad, to your Max/MSP music programs. And it's free. Uses the standard UDPSend and UDPReceive Max objects. The iPad version is on its way to AppStore...
This is a primitive Max/MAP sequencer app for mixing samples and triggering MIDI with the stribe. On-screen the grid sequencer triggers a sample to begin. Depending on tempo, more or less of the sample is played. Some short sounds are triggered repeatedly. Stopping the sequencer and/or removing trigger points allows sounds to continue playing to conclusion.
BTW this is an early Stribe Proto mod'd to run Curious Inventor firmware. A neat happy accident is that I can put the cursors and the level meters on the same LEDs.
Further Max programming is required to get toggle control over "chunks" of LEDs to add button-like effects (for loading samples, paging, etc).
I've always thought of sound waves this way, but had never seem them represented like this. This is a great way to think about sound when mic'ing instruments or creating sound art.