
Chladni form as output?

Weird thought of the day:

Thinking about capturing 2D blobs and turning them into sound. What about 2D blobs made by sound?

What if you videotaped the changing design on a chladni plate and then used software to turn that video into sound?

I posted earlier about a Chladni plate powered by a speaker.


Touching the Sound

Touch Loop Navigator from christian bannister on Vimeo.

Check out this great project at subcycle.org.

subcycle labs is the creative work of christian bannister a musician, designer and developer located in portland, oregon

Foxy's 16-stribe monster

16-Stribe Monster from Stribe Forum member Foxy

16 Stribes will be mated to a variety of button pads. See the build log and current status here

Foxy's next challenge is getting the Max patches sorted. I'm still a bit all-thumbs with Max myself. I can probably cobble something together, but if someone has or can make an elegant solution to run 2 8-stribe Stribes (2 Arduinos) and 2+ monomes (not sure if he's going Arduinome or using monome boards), please give a shout-out on the Stribe Forum!


Monome Meet 2009

video still of MakingTheNoise

I would have loved to be at this event in Princeton Oct 3 but just couldn't work it out. Hopefully there will be a next time... Some consolation is this great Vimeo page with tons of great footage: http://vimeo.com/groups/monomeetfall2009 as well as some awesome live sets!

I hear there were also some great live performances in the evenings so when I find some video or audio of those I'll post them here...

Listen: Monome-Made Music, from tehn to Daedelus
By Peter Kirn


Latest tracks by monomeet